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《 Four statues from Stuart Highway 》

Mix media | 50x50x45,15x15x33 ,30x27x8 ,25x10x10 | 2015

The four statues are related to one of my journeys in Australia. Driving through Australia’s main desert area on Stuart Highway, I saw a dead kangaroo hit by car, burned auto mobiles, a dressed-up ant tower and tires hung on a tree. Those eccentric objects scattered on the boundless barren dry land, some are made by nature, and some are made by human hands in order to soothe the dull feeling from long-distance drive. Due to particular preference, I made them into small sculptures, as a collection of my high way journey.


《 四件從Stuart highway帶回來的雕塑 

複合媒材 | 50x50x45,15x15x33 ,30x27x8 ,25x10x10 | 2015

這四件雕塑是關於我2013~2014年旅澳期間的一次旅程,行駛在貫穿澳洲中央沙漠區域的Stuart Highway途中的所見之物。被車撞死的袋鼠、焚毀的車輛、穿了衣服的蟻窩、掛滿輪胎的枯樹,這些物件散佈在乾燥荒蕪的廣闊旱土上,除了自然物,也有許多不知經何人之手改造的,以其舒緩長途駕駛的窮極無聊的奇特物件。基於某種癖好,我將這些所見之物製做成小型雕塑,收藏此段路程的雕塑形式。


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