《We are stuck in the history》
Wood, stone, 3D printer, 3D printed potteries PLA plastic, prehistoric pottery, clay | 300x200x75 | 2018
This series of sculptural works, made possible through the support of National Museum of Prehistory, consists of ready-mades, 3D-printed objects, things found in nature, and ceramic fragments of prehistoric artifacts. With the juxtaposition of these objects, attempts are made to address our contemporary imagery of a prehistoric era, in dialogue with current technological advancements. The narrative generated by the formal elements, moreover, reminds us of how “objects” exist and function in the context of museums. “3D Database of Archaeological Artifacts” is the cloud database to host the digital archive of National Museum of Prehistory. Using 3D scanning technique, the museum team creates 3D models of artifacts and archaeological sites for research and educational purposes. The artist then 3D printed several ancient pottery wares—grave goods found at Beinan site—and a series of other objects with the assistance of the team. In museums where collections work to constitute a larger system of knowledge and authority, human beings take the responsibility to pursue and preserve historical facts. At the same time, however, we remove “objects” from its own contextual continuation, and further position ourselves out of a shared continuum of history.
木頭、石頭、3D列印機、3D列印陶罐、PLA塑料、史前陶片、陶土 | 300x200x75 | 2018
此一系列雕塑作品由國立臺灣史前文化博物館協助製作,材料包括現成物、3D列印物品、自然素材以及史前陶器碎片。透過這些物件的並列組合,來詮釋一個對於史前時代與當代在技術發展進程中的連結與想像,同時也是藉由形式的推延來闡述關於「器物」在博物館系統下的脈絡與處境。史前博物館有一個製作文物數位建檔的雲端資源庫 :「考古文物3D資料庫」,使用3D掃描技術建製了許多古器物與遺址的3D建模檔案,以作為研究與教育資源等使用。藝術家透過此部門的協助,製作了數件使用3D列印生產的古陶罐(卑南陪葬陶),以及一系列的物件。在博物館的知識系統與典藏機制中,人類背負著考究歷史真實的責任,同時也截斷了「器物」自身的延續性,將我們自己置身於歷史之外。